Academic Advising

Met with my academic advisor on Tuesday to go over my course plan… Basically, I think I’m going to stick to taking the core classes right now because I’m just not sure the pathway I want to take yet! I’m still very interested in archives and special collections–that’s why I’m here in the first place. But I also think it would be amazing to work in an academic library as well and a hospital library! I really just don’t know and I don’t feel ready to decide just yet.

I feel like I am probably thinking too much into it… I don’t need to know EVERYTHING right now, and chances are once I graduate, I’ll be applying for all jobs, not just the pigeonhole I’ve “chosen.” I think what I need to do is be as well-rounded as possible… I don’t know if it’s a good idea to just take the classes I’m most interested, because I think that would be all over the place since I can only choose 6 electives! I’m antsy, but I guess I should wait until I know a little bit more to make a decision.

I think I may stick with Special Libraries as my “libraries” class because that seems like it would be pretty overarching in general. Then if I still like archives, take digitization or advanced archiving. Then fill in the rest with classes like information behaviors and advanced research and some sort of data class. I’ll figure it out eventually, I guess.

Also, I sort of hinted at wanting to take more than one class at once to be done quicker, but since I also work full-time, she said she does not suggest it. It takes longer to do part-time, but you retain much more information and get more out of the degree. A large number of students are like me, so it’s not odd. She said 2 credits is not 2/3 time it’s FULL time. They DISCOURAGE taking 3 classes in one semester! So i really am at half time. Made me feel better.

I’m in this for the long haul, so there’s no rush on me figuring out exactly what library I want to work in, and no rush deciding on all my classes. This learning is a process and is, from here on out, going to be a part of my life forever! This is just the beginning! Once I graduate and get a job, that’s not the end! I don’t have to stay there forever, and I probably won’t want to! I be able (and have to) keep learning all the time and that’s why THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!!!

I just need to remember than instead of frekaing out that others in my class seem to be sure of their pathway, and I’m not anymore. IT’S GOOD! I’m learning and open and I will continue to be learning and open! 🙂

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