Graded – Typology Paper


Break up sentences and paragraphs more. too looooooong

Do more than 1 round of editing/proofreading before settling on a final copy

Export from Google Docs as PDF instead of .word — formatting messes up (margins)

Follow APA more closely — bibliography “access info,” heading format, block quotes

Good introduction! Clearly states the purpose of paper

GO more in depth about how I came to my numbers–discuss how I administered survey/chose people/etc.

Put graphs and tables after they are cited in the paper, even if it’s on the next page or farther away.

Ask about breaking up paragraphs for visuals?

My Thoughts

Okay, well I got a 100 on this paper, but I’m sure it’s just because I can string two words together and I covered everything on the tiny checklist/rubric. This wasn’t a great paper. It was fine–I had some good ideas in it, particularly diving people into millennials and baby boomers and my explanation of different people using libraries for different purposes. And my introduction was fairly strong. Conclusion I think was alright, but I wasn’t very focused in this paper. I didn’t have my thoughts together before I started, and they never really fully formed and connected when I was writing. I feel like I was trying to prove two different things at the same time: people use libraries for different reasons AND people use libraries for checking out fiction book. I still think both are good points to make, but I needed to transition better from the first two the second. Like people go to the library for lots of reasons, but the biggest common reason is fiction.

I also think I need to organize myself better and make essay writing more of a long-term thing. I get caught in my head with conflicting ideas and confuse myself. Then when I’m ready to edit and submit, my editing doesnt work very well because I’m burnt out and Ive already read the paper like a million times while writing. IDEALLY: I should finish my draft of the paper 4-5 DAYS before the deadline so that I can come back after a day or so and do a round of editing. then possible one more after that and submit. I need breaks from writing.

  • My brain tells me that I’m better doing it all at once and that I work well under pressure, and maybe that’s true in some ways, but I KNOW that I can write better than this if I would just give myself the chance to do it!

Note: I thought before I started writing that it would be impossible to come up with 1000-1500 words on the topic, but it turned out really easy. There was TONS of information I could have included–I wonder what my classmates did because some of them literally put every single result in their paper and still had trouble with the length. Not sure how that worked. I need to not be so intimidated by word count–it’s easier than it seems. I just need to make a plan. I did try to outline and plan this one, but I need to really get all my thoughts together even more for the next one and leave room/time for multiple edits. Have a SOLID outline and dont stray from it when writing!

I’m glad this paper’s over. It was extremely stressful. I feel like now (plus having done the infographic and presentation) I’m in more of a “hey I’m in school learning things!” mindset. Hopefully this helps me with the rest of the work in this class at least.

I don’t know if I’ll go back and edit this paper… active learning says that I should, but…. man I really don’t want to.  Maybe when I’m ahead of the timeline in this class ;D

Post Class Week 4 Reflection

REALLY enjoyed class tonight. 3 speakers at the beginning from organizations that serve libraries–create programs and distribute resources and materials and books in Minnesota. Minitex, MELSA, ans Metronet. Interesting info from them. Also had some great group work doing a jigsaw of the Hack Library School Reading. Nice change to actually know what I’m talking about in relation to a reading. Learned names Libby, Lauren, Ren. Short symposium group meeting where we discussed how we haven’t started yet because there’s so much else to do! Nice bonding moment where none of us know what we’re doing or can find any of our ducks let alone get them in a row! LOts of thing to check up on later–I’ll have to come back later to do that, Coming up with quite a list… research is important though and I want to be efficient and do my best, even thiough this is an intro class (and apparently literally everyone gets an A no matter what BUT STILL)

Guest Speakers To-Dos and Notes

Ken Behruinger (MELSA)

  • contact about Legislative Day for a group
  • ??? check how many city of st paul libraries there are! MELSA doesn’t include them–just the counties. There’s 14! The closest one to work is Hamline-Midway/, closest to school is Highland Park, closest to home are West 7th/Rondo Community (University)/George Latimer Central (downtown)/

Ann Walker-Smalley (Metronet)

    • Teen Lit Con //look into this and volunteering for it Signed up to volunteer!
  • Worked for ?LSTA? //look up  
    • taught senior citizens to use cameras
  • //research Net Neutrality’s relation to libraries and what librarians are doing to advocate for it/them
  • DEFINE: “Constituent” —A member or part of the library/district/county in question

Valerie Horton (Minitex)

  • ???CHECK??? Minitex supplies libraries with collections? and other supplies and programs?
    • digital collections and resources; online journals; ILL; physical materials like scanners, cd readers, etc for libraries (discounted price); strategy plans for cataloging, security, preservation,etc……. basically anything a library needs, they got it covered. run by U of M
    • “information and resource sharing program”
  • NEW! LOOK UP! Adding primary source database
  • gratia countryman twitter! #followed
  • Research “Pressbooks” flagship/program (self-publishing thing partnered with MELSA) (COOL!)
    • NOTENOTENOTE!!!would be great for an internship/volunteer/shadow op
      • show employers im down with the changing times and looking to the future. paving the way, recognizing profession changes
      • PROJECT IDEA: create book and put it through pressbooks
  • MLAC //look up insanely cool underground under RIVER book storage. oh man.


  • Pay attnetion to your passions and what your love.
  • flexibility is KEY. Do more than is expected of you
  • remember that librarianship is a noble profession

Hack Library School Discussion

Write well, often, lots, for different people, and for different places

Plan ahead. Keep your resume, business cards, references, website up to date always so you don’t have to rush when something comes up

Make contacts and keep them.

Grad School is hard. Don’t worry. It’s okay to doubt yourself sometimes, but synthesize and solve it once you’ve wallowed. Take care of yourself. Have perspective. ENJOY THE JOURNEY

Learn what you like and use that as your guide for how you advocate and what you participate in. You can’t do everything, but you can do more than just class.

General Other Things That Mattered To Me Today

No one knows what they’re doing right now! You’re okay. We’re all in the same boat. The first assignment is hard because you don’t know how grading goes yet! We’re all guessing, but it’s okay. SHE JUST WANTS TO KNOW YOU CAN STRING TWO WORDS TOGETHER.

Lesson::::: talk to my peers. ask how they’re doing. share my struggles and successes. SUPPORT EACH OTHER! ❤ we’re allllll in thiiiiis togetherrrr #whatteam #wildcats #actuallyithinkthatmightliterallybeourmascot #soperf

Current Week:


Current Stress Level

“I still need to write 5 pages on bad statistics but so did everyone else so it’s chill brah”


Library Typology Paper (BrAiNsToRm)

now I’m in 5th grade again using arbitrary capitalization for fun! /thumbs up 

based on the data I collected this is what is noticeable

okay so WHAT I NEED TO DO is compare my results with those accepted as the general population — SO methodolody should take into account that in the general population there are a larger number of older people baby boomers and up, but my sample is 70% 20-somethings, only 30% 50s and up. So I need to focus in mostly on millenials.

?? I wonder how millennial usage of libraries and opinion of libraries differ from the older generation

  • especially since they are more “internet-savvy” do they think they can get evetyhing they need online without help?
  • how do male- versus female-identifying folks differ in these aspects?
  • USE GENERAL DATA to represent older people since I don’t have much
  • discuss millennial habits that may have to do with the smaller demand on libraries (such as less social in some ways, independent, have something to prove, associate libraries with children and old people and not for people in between so much)


  1. older people have an overall extremely high opinion of public libraries and their benefits to the public/importance
  2. younger people are more all over the board. some are like yeah libraries are the best, some are like yeah they’re fine i guess, some are like i don’t know what i’m saying or doing im too busy. //mixed bag//
    • people are more engaged when they’re older
    • but according to PIP survey people are more engaged during busy parts of their life not when they’re retired–opposite of my result
  3. library lovers are supposed to be middle aged with young children, not senior retirees
  4. medium engagement:
    • solid center: more male, appreciate benefits of libraries but don’t believe their closing would affect them, BIGGEST GROUP (but not in my testing)
    • print trad: more female, more rural, more white (i can vouch for this based on the area Carol lives in… i can kind of assume most here are print traditionalists) CHECK AGE DEMOGRAPHIC

Thats what come to mind immediately. I need a couple more things I think. at least one more. brb

  1. people in large cities appear to think libraries are more important to make resources available to everyone ->chance to succeed
  2. PIP survey says people are




(to be continued)

Shout out to the boyf for knowing what a spreadsheet is and how they work and helping me get control of my life as it relates to bad stats. ❤

Current Week:

Week 3-4/168

Current Stress Level:


(I died early into writing this. now resurrected and ready to jam)